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Meaning: (of a condition or circumstance) suggesting or indicating that (a particular technique or drug) should not be used in the case in question.

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Personalized Facial: LED light therapy may be used for anti-aging therapy, but should not be performed on those that are pregnant, epileptic, have a photo-allergy, or on medication that causes photo sensitivity. 

Microneedling: If you are prone to Keloid scarring, have a history of eczema or psoriasis, active cold sores, taking any anticoagulant medications, active shingles or chickenpox, diabetic, active inflammatory lesions, Hemophiliacs or other blood disorders, or have a compromised immune system. If you have recently had laser treatments, injectables such as Botox or fillers, facial surgery, or have new scars. If you are pregnant and breast feeding, or are taking Corticosteroids. Raised warts and open wounds also pose a risk.

Nanoneedling: Keloids, history of eczema or psoriasis, active cold sores and acne lesions, blood thinners, diabetes, pregnancy, recent facial injections, compromised immune systems, new scars, warts, and any open wounds, extensive Rosacea. 

Microdermabrasion: Moderate to severe inflammatory acne lesions, Rosacea, active cold sores, use of topical Retinoids in the last week, active wounds or rashes, or pregnancy. Active acne lesions on the back, recent scarring or surgeries to the back.

Glycolic Peel: Must be off Acutane for at least 6 months, off any topical Retinoids for at least 7 days prior, pregnant or lactating, active cold sores, active facial rash, extensive Rosacea, sunburn or compromised skin, medical conditions such as diabetes, heart problems, or facial skin cancers, Chemo, Type 2 diabetes or Lupus medications, recent facial injections, recent facial peel, facial waxing within 72 hours, shaved face within 72 hours, recent use of hair removal creams or treatments, recent prolonged sun exposure (tanning or outdoor activities). Do not use any exfoliating products the day of your peel (AHA/BHA's). 

Salicylic Acid Peel: (Refer to Glycolic) Pregnancy, active dermatitis, allergy to salicylates, use of Acutane within the last 6 months, use of topical retinoids within the last week, facial skin cancers, recent facial peel, recent facial waxing within 72 hours, recently shaved face, active cold sores, inflammatory skin irritations such as sun burns, photosensitizing medications, open wounds, chemo, use of exfoliating agents day of (AHA/BHA).

Lash and Brow Lift/Tint: Skin disease, trauma, cuts, abrasions, burns, and swelling in the immediate area. Recent surgeries around the eyes, head, or face. Bells Palsy or any other conditions that make opening or closing the eyes difficult. Eye inflammation or infection, laser eye surgery in the last 3 months, any sign of eczema or skin irritation in the brow area, history of allergic reactions to hair dye.

Facial Waxing: (Refers to Bikini as well) Use of oral/topical antibiotics and acne medications, use of Acutane in the last 6 months, use of topical retinoids in the last week, recent use of exfoliants, varicose veins, skin disorders and diseases, recent bruises and scars, open wounds, active cold sores, raised moles, warts, skin tags, mastitis in the underarms, chemo.

Body Scrub: Sunburns and skin irritations, eczema, sensitive skin and breakouts, open wounds, thin skin, inflammatory skin, allergy to plant oils and aromas.

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